This was an assignment that myself and 3 teammates were given for 2340. It involved writing a game in the language Smalltalk using the Environment Squeak.
The requirements were implemented as were the fancier touches we gave the game's look. I wrote the design of the system, the GameEngine logic and scheduling, as well as handled the role of team leader. Vladimir Urazov wrote the GUI (sounds small but this is rather huge because Squeak sucks). Andrew Knight wrote the game code for characters getting hungry/sleepy as well as the backend core code related to functionality. Dung Nguyen wrote the saving and loading as well as the pathfinding algorithm code which is used in the smooth (per grid, not per pixel) characer movement.
First, you need to Download Squeak.
Once you download and install Squeak, download the game Image and extract it to the same folder the Squeak folder lives in (i.e.: Root Folder -> Squeak folder, Stuff inside
To run the game (instructions for Windows), start Squeak by starting Squeak (using Squeak.exe) and then left click->click "Load Project From File"->go back one folder (it will list contents inside the Squeak directory)->select -- Once the loading is complete, select the text in the window that appears (it says "Run me"), right click the selection, and click "do it" (alternatively, you can select the text and press alt-d).
This source code is licensed under the BSD License. All media/images/non-source related files in this distribution also follow the BSD License for use.